Train with T.A.G. Art 

Options include channeling the Force, learning light saber moves, and more! You may even get to test your skills against a Sith lord! *When planning your training, allocate at least 5 minutes for each attendee to complete training.

Need to get Yoda off your back?

We’ll bring the Jedi Training experience to you! This experience can include a discussion in channeling the Force, light saber moves, and other related lessons in the ways of the Jedi.
darth vader and storm trooper standing next together

Darth Vader Himself

At the end of the training you’ll have the opportunity to test your newly acquired skills against Darth Vader himself!
darth vader
jedi training in front of an audience

A movement in the force.

I’m starting to sense a movement in the force. Contact us today to schedule Jedi Training for your next event.

*When planning the length of your training time, make sure you allocate at least 5 minutes for each attendee to go through the training experience.

darth vader and characters