The Fun Blog
A Secret to Success in 2025: Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?
Every decision can be made by this adage: "Is the juice worth the squeeze?"
A Secret of Success in 2025: Choose Your Hard
I'm not wishing suffering on anyone, but life is hard. This must be accepted.
However, you can choose your hard.
Resolve to go BACK (on the farm!)
Have you SEEN what's new?
As if 25 years in business and over 500 events each year wasn't busy enough, now we thought we'd add a t.v. show to the list of "to dos!"
"Christmas On The Farm" Art Market - POSTPONED! Why? Check out the next post for more!
Joins us for a great day on the Fun Farm! The Christmas On The Farm Art Market will feature local art and artists, food trucks and a visit from Santa and friends at 3 p.m. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!
‘Fun Farm’ to host Trick or Treat Art Market
Dinos with Dad brings fun to the farm
Trunk or Treat Art Market
Joins us for a great day on the Fun Farm! The Trunk or Treat Art Market will feature local art and artists, food trucks and a trunk or treat at noon! CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!
4th of July Art Market
Joins us for a great day on the Fun Farm! The 4th of July Art Market will feature local art and artists, food trucks and a light show at 8:30 p.m. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!
Why embracing fun is essential
Fun Farm Wonderland Art Market
Join us at the "Fun Farm Wonderland Art Market!" We are an inclusive, family-friendly art market. Come join us for local art, food trucks, and our friends from Wonderland! CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!