The pursuit of happiness is noble, but total happiness is an illusion. Every dog comes with fleas.
This flies in the face of those who want the unicorn job, the perfect existence, the instant gratification. Surprise! They find life empty regardless because they just want to be "happy."
In the end, too few and many more of us need a "Rocky moment."
Rocky champions the impossible. He suffers a grueling, rigorous, montage-filled development. The triumph despite the odds is even sweeter because of the journey. It's the catalyst for many to hit the weight room (no pain, no gain!)
I'd like to see the tide turn to bring up more "Rocky children." Those who have slammed into adversity, embraced it, let it change them, and become role models for others - Paying it forward.
I'm not wishing suffering on anyone, but life is hard. This must be accepted.
However, you can choose your hard.
Getting up early is hard, being late for school is hard. Choose your hard.
Eating right is hard, working out is hard. Choose your hard.
Going to work is hard, being unemployed is hard. Choose your hard.
You have the power and you have the choices, but you have to choose one or the other in all things.
Everyone I have ever met who is successful (by THEIR definition) has accepted this truth and come out on top.
Choose your hard - and cue that theme music!