Every decision can be made by this adage: "Is the juice worth the squeeze?"

It's a great line.  I won't mention the movie I saw it in, but if you know, you know.

This isn't about life giving you lemons and you having to get used to lemon juice or make lemonade.  This is about all life giving you nothing but fruit of all kinds.  Do you really want grapefruit juice?  Or how about apple juice?  They're harder to squeeze, but it's arguably better-tasting juice.  

You'll have choices to make.  In your youth, you trade time for money and as you age you trade money for time.   Many times it's an even deal.

Choices along the way define you.  You define your success from those results, and in the end you'll know that sometimes you spent way too much of one or the other for a paltry outcome.

The sooner you can vet your choice, the sooner the answer to "is it worth it" will be clearer. 

How about a watermelon?