The Fun Blog
A Secret to Success in 2025: Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?
Every decision can be made by this adage: "Is the juice worth the squeeze?"
Resolve to go BACK (on the farm!)
Cue our latest effort, the Fun Farm t.v. show.
Have you SEEN what's new?
As if 25 years in business and over 500 events each year wasn't busy enough, now we thought we'd add a t.v. show to the list of "to dos!"
Tenacity 101: BE You! (Don't Be A ****!)
Can you imagine a grumpy Santa? All parodies aside, the two don't (or shouldn't) match. Now extrapolate that into a grumpy artist - true, there are some, but should there...
Tenacity 101: Parent Yourself!
When there's no one to tell you to "get up" or "go to school" or "clean your room" - guess what? It's YOU.
WHY do you do that? Q&A for a TAG Artist: "Less is more?"
Is there really a benefit to "less?" If you consider human nature, then absolutely!
WHY do you do that? Q&A for a TAG Artist: The Mystique!
We're born with faith. It's a natural response. Cynicism is learned. Does it have to be learned at all?
WHY do you do that? Q&A for a TAG Artist: Modesty!
Doing what you promised and doing your best is the most important thing if you want to serve a client. If the client is happy, then we ARE the best
WHY do you do that? Q&A for a TAG Artist: Face Painting!
Whenever you focus on the best experience possible for the guest, you'll also achieve being the best option for your client. If you focus on being "the best" first, you'll find nothing but frustration.