To those reading, thank you! The impact of this blog is nothing without your viewing.
To the technology that supports this blog and related site, thank you! Technology is great (when it works) and we need things to "do their job" reliably.
To our customers that provide the revenue stream to in turn support my time and efforts to continue in work, thank you! You are the reason for our existence.
See a pattern here? A key to success is "you can't do it alone."
Much attention is given to teamwork - metaphors, seminars, motivational elements, dissemination, classification, development, and so on. Teams are a component of our culture. There are good teams, bad teams, winners, losers, heroes, villains, even herd mentality (not to put it too simply.)
Leadership is on the Venn diagram with teamwork. As a leader, possible "trep" and/or owner, are you checking your team on a regular basis and positioning for success?
Are you seeking to fill the needs, skill sets lacking or strengths needed to maintain a good team?
Are you talking with, pushing for feedback, staying humble (see last month's blog) and seeking growth?
Are you prepared for the answers? Are you ready for a "DUH" moment where you were looking so hard, you couldn't see the opportunity for growth?
Now to the "dark side" - are you finding weak spots, those who don't share your values, have no sense of ownership? Are people representing you and your trust poorly? Do you people work FOR you and not WITH you?
Checking your team can be painful, a real chore, a real bore, or just something too many of us fail to do - "not knowing what we don't know." Having a regular checkup and working the resultant plan will keep your business on the right track - or at least, moving in the right direction on that track.