The Choice is Yours: Peace!

The Choice is Yours: Peace!

If you can be at peace wearing a funny costume or drawing caricatures or simply being present in the moment to make someone else's life a little better, then someone else's definition of success holds no weight.
The Choice is Yours: Networking!

The Choice is Yours: Networking!

You want to get the gig? You want to make the deal?  You want to grow the sales?  You want you want you want?  How bad do you want it?  Show me any "overnight success" and I'll show you the "dog years" of "overnight."  Marathon, not sprint.
The Choice is Yours: Growth!

The Choice is Yours: Growth!

Sometimes who you work with determines who will work with you!
The Choice is YOURS: Clients!

The Choice is YOURS: Clients!

Can you really "fire" a customer?
How will you CHOOSE to be successful?

How will you CHOOSE to be successful?

How much do you want it?
Custom illustrations by Michael Ganser

Check Please! Chapter 10: Check Your Standards

What may be frustrating you may also be what makes you unique!
Custom illustrations by Michael Ganser

Check Please! Chapter 8: Check Your Environment!

Are you a tiger in a society of rabbits?
Mime entertainment for events

Check Please! Chapter 6: November: Check Your "Friends!"

It took me a long time to understand "R.O.I."


mime entertainment; stilt walking entertainment; themed entertainment

Check please! Chapter 2: Check Your Team!

A key to success is "you can't do it alone."