The Choice is Yours: Peace!

The Choice is Yours: Peace!

If you can be at peace wearing a funny costume or drawing caricatures or simply being present in the moment to make someone else's life a little better, then someone else's definition of success holds no weight.
The Choice is Yours: Networking!

The Choice is Yours: Networking!

You want to get the gig? You want to make the deal?  You want to grow the sales?  You want you want you want?  How bad do you want it?  Show me any "overnight success" and I'll show you the "dog years" of "overnight."  Marathon, not sprint.
The Choice is YOURS: Clients!

The Choice is YOURS: Clients!

Can you really "fire" a customer?
How will you CHOOSE your "normal?"

How will you CHOOSE your "normal?"

We establish our "normal" through our actions, with our friend groups, in relating to our families (or not) and so on.  We build up a certain micro-culture that works for us - or we say it does.
How to FAIL in business without really trying

How to FAIL in business without really trying

All you have to do is NOT SUCK!
Check Please! Chapter 13: Check Your Head!

Check Please! Chapter 13: Check Your Head!

Power? Check.  Stabilizers?  Check.  Thrusters? Check. Cognitive performance? Check.  Joy of life? Check.  Hang on....
Hobbies to Inspire the Kids Without Hurting Your Wallet

Hobbies to Inspire the Kids Without Hurting Your Wallet

You don’t have to spend your life savings to give your kids awesome experiences.
Custom illustrations by Michael Ganser

Check Please! Chapter 12: Check Your Boundaries!

It's a conundrum isn't it?  Either you check your boundaries or they'll "check" you?
Custom illustrations by Michael Ganser

Check Please! Chapter 11: Check Your Troubles!

Don't we love feeding that wolf?
Custom illustrations by Michael Ganser

Check Please! Chapter 10: Check Your Standards

What may be frustrating you may also be what makes you unique!
Custom illustrations by Michael Ganser

Check Please! Chapter 9: Check Your Emotions!

Are you a puppy on parole?  After all the house arrest we've experienced as a country, it's hard not to cut loose!
The TAG Art Fun Farm in New Haven Indiana

Check Please! Chapter 5: Check your business!

Or perhaps "mind your own business" would be more appropriate these days?