The Fun Blog
Check Please! Chapter 9: Check Your Emotions!
Are you a puppy on parole? After all the house arrest we've experienced as a country, it's hard not to cut loose!
Check Please! Chapter 7: Check Your Plan!
It is said, "Want to make God laugh? Tell him your plans." I've seen that so often - indeed, hasn't 2020 been pretty much a 180 on almost everyone's plan for the year?
Check Please! Chapter 6: November: Check Your "Friends!"
It took me a long time to understand "R.O.I."
Check Please! Chapter 5: Check your business!
Or perhaps "mind your own business" would be more appropriate these days?
Check please! Chapter 1: Check Your Ego
This is the first of a series of writings meant to offer perspective (in as humble a fashion as possible) for the benefit of any who hope to make their...
We're All In This Together Alone In The Same Boat
If I have to watch one more celebrity tell me "we're all in this together" and "we'll get through this" and "we're all in the same boat" (have you seen...
Oh, you do that too? Tips for creatives forced into sales
It's the sales person's job to provide a complete set of options, but in our "bigger, faster, stronger" culture, shouldn't it be the customer's job to want more?