The Fun Blog
We're All In This Together Alone In The Same Boat
If I have to watch one more celebrity tell me "we're all in this together" and "we'll get through this" and "we're all in the same boat" (have you seen...
Oh, you do that too? Tips for creatives forced into sales
It's the sales person's job to provide a complete set of options, but in our "bigger, faster, stronger" culture, shouldn't it be the customer's job to want more?
Ghost of Christmas Passed
Pun intended! This article is about one thing every business person, entrepreneur, sales person and just about any creative fears:
Soylent Green Shopping
Is it just me, or does the idea of getting a discount on an artist or actor seem very, VERY wrong?
Memories or Therapy? Halloween Entertainment Done Right.
The term "merry not scary" fits a lot of Halloween-themed events. But do you remember what scared you as a child?
What Sounds Like Fun? Are You Sure?
The right resource will be more focused on service than on the budget.
Creative Etiquette
In our safe space, personal space, non-offensive, good feelings culture, you have to ask?